Yesterday I had the privilege of stopping by to visit one of the top Affiliate Marketing companies in the business as the President is a good friend of mine and invited me over to see how the operation runs.
It is quite an eye opener to see all the work that goes into building an affiliate marketing company from the ground up especially when you are talking about selling products that you don't even stock. They have a fully integrated support staff that handles all sales calls, a few people taking care of web design and maintenance, and even outsource technical support to various other parts of the globe.
The biggest lesson learned that I will share with you on this visit is one that I will continue to stress throughout my posts on this site and that is "Patience". None of the success that the company has been afforded came from any luck or overnight get rich quick scheme, it came from dedication, perseverance, and above all patience. What I mean by this is that early on in the beginning stages of your Affiliate Marketing career there are probably going to be more bad days than good. You will see more zero sales and even notice a decline in traffic before things really kick in.
I had the chance to see what happens when you work hard and don't give up it comes in the form of success beyond everything you had hoped for so let this post serve as as motivation to keep working hard and soon enough you'll be the ones staring success square in the face.
Happy Marketing!